Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Tweeting Your Way to the Top"

This is an article that I had found about the social networking tool, Twitter. This article in PR Week's website gives an inside as to why Twitter is important for companies to use and for companies to utilize.

The article states, "Twitter can be thought of as a short form subscription tool. One of the major benefits of creating a corporate presence on Twitter is that it is spam free, which makes it more inviting to subscribers. The 140 character limit requires tweets to be clear and concise, which forces users to make each interaction meaningful. Once a regular conversation is established through frequent tweets, your profile has the potential to attract a strong following."

In my mind, I think that Twitter is a tool that companies should really begin to use on a daily basis. Technology these days is so important to keep up with if you own a company. It allows for people to connect and build relationships in so many different ways. I think that the use of Twitter for a small or large company will escalate the number of followers and consumers that the companies may not have had in the past. This article talks about the relationship between PR and headline news, customer service and CRM, engagement, interaction, and viral marketing, and immediate gratification and distribution.

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