Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dove Evolution

I think that everyone should see this commerical. This commerical is all over YouTube and is used as part of the Dove Evolution campaign. This commerical is used to show women, men, and children what people can do to change their images after using photoshop. I do not think that their is anything wrong with using photoshop, but I do think that people should be aware of the fact that photoshop is being used. This is a commercial that shows a young lady sitting down and having her hair and makeup done. After that, it shows how they change the size of her eyes, the length of her chin, and the wrinkles on her face etc. They change all of these characteristics of her using photoshop. I think that the Dove Evolution campaign should be able to reach out to children that are in elementary and junior high school. I think that is when people tend to have low self esteem in those years and I think that it would be healthy for young girls to be able to see what photoshop can do to one's image.


davalos said...

I absolutely love this commercial and the message it sends out. Its one of the few products that I feel did something about this issue on body image and self esteem in both men and women. Good job Dove!

Ceci Garcia said...

I think this is a great commercial and I am actually doing a research projects on the effects of supermodels vs real women on college females. It will be interesting how the Dove Campaign fits into all of my research! Great post Bradley!!