Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I am in the intro to PR class, and as Professor Weisgerber blogged about yesterday, I did the Dipity project. Although I had said in class that the Dipity project was a hassle, I do think that the Dipity project was very interesting once people starting to explain their findings. Dipity was not the hassle, my computer was! It was taking a very long time to upload but I think that is because my computer has a virus of some sort! Anyways, Dipity was interesting, because it tracked the history of public relations all the way back to the Declaration of Independence. The years that I covered were 1990-1995. I thought that the years I had were very important because the 1990's were the decade of technology. Instead of looking for people that were influential in that time period, I looked for technology that was influential on PR. I found that the invention of Microsoft Works was important because it was a way for people to be able to write press releases and edit them in a way that is easy. I also found that the invention of the World Wide Web was important because it allowed for people to be able to get on the internet and have websites. People could then put there news, images, articles, etc. on the internet for the public to see. These days, having the oppurtunity to have PR on the internet is one of the most important places to have PR. Everyone uses the internet now a days starting back in elementary school. Advertisements are all over the internet, so I think that covering the WWW in my Dipity project was very important.

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